If You Can't Do What You Do, Do What You Can!

April 04, 2020  •  Leave a Comment

We're in uncharted waters with the Covid-19 pandemic right now.  All non essential businesses have been asked to close, by the governor, and that's me.  All photography businesses should be closed to help limit the spread of the virus.

I'd love to be doing front porch pictures for people, but I can't because my business is closed.  I'd love to do some outdoor sessions, but I can't because I'm closed.  Instead, I shelter at home and find things to do around my house.  Don't get me wrong, I do go outside for walks, but I go alone.  I'm not meeting with friends or visiting with family.

If you can't do what you do, do what you can.  I can't take photos to help during this time, but I can sew masks for healthcare workers, so that's what I've been doing.  So far, I've sewn over 50 masks.  I've donated many of them to Froedtert Hospital, in Milwaukee, where my daughter in law, Nicole, works.  I've made some for family and friends too, as now we're all supposed to wear one when we're out in public.  Nursing homes need them as well.  As you can see, Pixel wants to help too!

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Safer at Home means just that.  We are safer at home, and help to not spread the virus to others.  Sometimes, you don't even know you're contagious for 1-2 weeks and by then, you've possibly infected everyone you've come in contact with.  Only go out for essential trips to the grocery store or pharmacy.  That doesn't mean going to the playground with your kids, meeting your friends at someone's house, having a fire and invite the neighbors over.....it means to stay at home.

We'll get through this if we all work together.  I'm so appreciative to the doctors, nurses, EMTs and other healthcare workers, as well as the essential workforce who gets food to the stores and keeps them running.

When we do get through this, I can't wait to start photographing all my seniors again and do some fall family sessions.  To show my appreciation to ALL my clients, past & present, I'm going to be offering something I've never done before.  Family mini sessions.  As soon as things have settled down and are back to normal (whatever the new normal will be,) I'll get information out to everyone through email and my website.

In the meantime.  Stay at home, and stay safe.


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